Ear infections, or otitis media, are the number one reason we take our kids to the pediatrician today (aside from well visits). They account for an estimated 30 million doctor visits per year and half of all antibiotics prescribed to children are for ear infections. The cost of treating ear infections in the US is a staggering $2 billion a year.
Despite what most of us have been told, bacterial infections are not the cause of most ear infections. The medical literature is clear that most ear infections result from (1) allergies, (2) viral infections and (3) weak immune systems.
Allergies- An estimated (45-80%) of ear infections are caused by food allergies- not an infection.
Viral Infections- Of those that are from an infection, 80% are viral and only 20% are bacterial.
Weak Immune Systems- Deficiencies of vitamin A and D are strongly associated with chronic recurring ear infections as is an imbalance in good and bad gut microbes.
Top Foods To Eat Away Ear Infections
Water – Helps thin mucus.
Wild-caught fish, Fish Oil’s, Cod Liver Oil – Omega-3 fats help reduce inflammation and improve allergies. Also a good source of both Vit A and D to strengthen the immune system.
Fermented Foods and Drinks– Supply healthy bacteria to boost the immune system.
Lean, Clean protein – Sufficient protein helps the immune system. Aim for 3-4 oz at minimum per meal.
Fruits and vegetables – Contain high levels of Vit. C for a strong immune system and a source of prebiotic to feed the good bugs in the gut.
Foods to Avoid
Common food allergens – Some common allergens include: conventional dairy, gluten, soy, corn and peanuts.
Conventional dairy – Pasteurized dairy products can be mucus producing and worsen infection.
Sugar – Feeds bacteria and reduces immune functioning.
Processed foods – These foods may contain added chemicals and dyes that young children can be sensitive to.
Top 5 Ear Infection Remedies
#1 Garlic Oil ear drops (2 warm drops in ear daily)
Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
#2 Zinc (10 mg 2x a day- for older than 2 years old)
Zinc boosts immune function and promotes healing.
#3 Vitamin C (1,000mg 3x a day for adults, 500 mg 2x daily for children 6-12 yoa)
Vitamin C enhances immune function and lowers inflammation.
#4 Probiotics
Supports a healthy gut and immune system.
#5 Cod Liver Oil (1.5-2 mL)
Source of vitamins A and D3 which help support the immune system.
Chiropractic for Ear Infections
Chiropractic and cranial adjustments are amazing at removing pressure from the inner ears and speeding the healing time.
Dr. Paul Garcia